1.Culture of bacterial cells
media preparation, bacterial isolation, incubation and stocks
In this experiment, we run the culture of microorganisms in order to understand the
general idea of sterile procedures and realize its importance in the bio-research.
Instruments: Reagents:
laminar flow bench
autoclaved machine
electric Bunsen burner
analytical balance
pH meter with 4.0 and 10.0 pH solutions
4°C refrigerator
ultra-low temperture freezer
orbital shaking Incubator
water bath set
pipet aid
graduated cylinders
autoclavable bottles and tubes
sterile plates
1.5 mL eppendorf
inoculating loop
stir bar
2. Measurement of protein concentration
1. 了解蛋白質濃度測定的方法
2. 學習分光光度計 (Spectrophotometer) 的測定原理和實際操作
1. Spectrophotometer (分光光度計;BioTek, μQuant)
2. Pipetman (微量吸管)
3. 96 well plate (96 孔盤)
4. Eppendorf (微量離心管)
5. 200 μl tip (200 μl 微量吸管尖)
3. Mass diffusion in a micro-channel
The purpose of this experiment is to studythe characteristics of flow mixing in a micro-channel and to study the relationshipsbetween diffusivity and the geometry of a micro-channel.
Instrumental apparatus
(1) CCD
(2) Fluorescent dye
(3) Microscope
(4) Fluorescent light source
(5) Syringe pump
(6) Computer
(7) Micro-channel 200 μm and 300 μm
4. Passive mixing in a micro-channel
First, wewould like to study the mixing characteristics of a micro-scale mixing.Then, westudy theinfluence of geometric parameters on passive mixingof two fluids. Thereafter,we want to compare the convective effects created by geometric variations.
Experimental apparatus
(1) Olympusmicroscopewith CCD
(2) Dyeand fluorescent dye
(3) Syringepump
(4) Two needles
(5) Mercury arc lamp housing
(6) Filter
(7) Differently geometric parameters of the micro channels
(8) Personal computer
(9) Program of Digital Image process