
  必修課程 (Required courses)
  碩士班 Master Degree (臺大課程地圖)
1. 專題討論 Seminar: 3學分 (3 credits)
2. 以下六科基本課程須任選兩科 Two out of six courses below are also required.
‧應用數學 I 
Applied Mathematics I
Experiments on Electronics
‧應用力學實驗 I 
 Experiments on Applied Mechanics I
 Elasticity I
Fundamental of Fluid Dynamics
  博士班 Doctoral Degree (臺大課程地圖)


‧專題討論 4學分

Seminar (4 credits)

Experiments on Electronics
 ‧應用力學實驗 II 
Experiments on Applied Mechanics II
 選修課程 (Elective courses)
‧高等應用數學 I 
Advanced Applied Mathematics I
Anisotropic Elasticity
‧應用系統識別 Applied System Identification
Applied Quantum Mechanic
‧ 光電生醫量測技術 
Bio-optoelectronic Measurements
連體力學 Continuum Mechanics 科技溝通與寫作Technical Communication and Writing
Compressible Flow
Carrier Dynamics and Control
‧光機電系統設計與製造(I)(II) Design and Fabrication of Opto-mechatronic Systems
Design of Acoustics/Optics 
inspection & Measurement System
‧電磁學 II 
Electromagnetism II
Fabrication & Design in Optical MEMS
      Fundamentals & Applications of 
Polymer Processing
Fracture Mechanics
‧ 衛星導航定位系統
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Hydrodynamic Stability
Introduction to Microfluidics
Introduction to Active Materials
Introduction to Micro-scale Fluid 
‧ 平面顯示技術概論
Introduction to Display Technology
Introduction to Implantable Wireless 
Biomedical Systems
‧ 無線植入式生醫系統 I
 Implantable Wireless Biomedical 
Systems I
Introduction to Two-Phase 
Suspension Flows
Introduction to Plasma Dynamics
Introduction to Air Pollution  
Intelligent Structural Systems & 
Vibration Control
‧奈米尺度能量傳輸 Introduction To Nanoscale Energy Transport ‧微連續體力學導論與應用 Introduction to microcontinuum mechanics and its applications
Introduction to Smart Living Technologies
Introduction to Microfludics in Lab-On-a-Chip
‧壓電振動能量擷取導論 Introduction to Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting   
Micro-electro-mechanical System 
(MEMS) & Nanotechnology
Molecular Dynamics
‧ 現代熱流量測技術
Modern Measuring Techniques of 
Thermal Fluid Mechanics
‧ 鐵電材料之微力電耦合分析
Micro-electromechanical Analysis in   Ferroelectric Materials
Mechanics of Piezoelectric Materials
NanoMedicine and NanoMechanics
Nano Biotechnology
Nonlinear System & Control
Opto-electronic & Piezoelectric 
‧光學設計與工程 I 
Optical Desing & Engineering I
‧ 光學設計與工程 II
Optical Desing & Engineering II
Physiological fluid Dynamics
Photonic waveguides
Principle & Applications of 
Nondestructive Evaluation
Quantum Mechanics  
Rarefied Gas Dynamics
Special Topics on Computational 
Special topics on Micro-
optomechatronic Systems
Syllabus of  Special Topics of Hydrodynamics Stability
Stress Wave Propagation
Science and Technology R&D Project Management (Session I, Session II)
Special Topics on Experiments on 
“Scientific Taiwan” --
One of series courses of “Exploring Taiwan”
‧科技英文 II 
Technical English II
Technical Writing
Viscous Flows
Waves in Piezoelectric Crystals &   Acoustic Wave Devices


Special Topics in Thermal and Water Managements of Fuel Cell


Design and Simulation of Optomechatronic Systems  




Microstructure and Macroscopic Behavior of Materials

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