
  • 2009年美國費城賓州大學華頓商學院高階經理訓練課程結業(AMP)
  • 1987年美國康乃爾大學博士,主修理論及應用力學、副修物理
  • 1985年美國康乃爾大學碩士,主修理論及應用力學、副修物理
  • 1981年國立臺灣大學土木工程學系學士
  • 財團法人資訊工業策進會董事長(民國106年10月18日迄今)
  • 財團法人工業技術研究院董事長(民國106年10月5日迄今)
  • 經濟部部長(民國105年5月20日至106年8月16日)
  • 第二期能源國家型科技計畫共同主持人兼執行長 (民國103年1月至105年4月)
  • 科技部產學推動諮議會共同召集人 (民國103年3月至105年3月)
  • 中央研究院應用科學研究中心合聘研究員 (民國103年10月至105年5月)
  • 財團法人資訊工業策進會執行長 (民國99年8月至101年9月)
  • 財團法人工業技術研究院副院長 (民國96年10月至99年7月)
  • 智慧財產培訓學院顧問 (民國96年1月至105年4月)
  • 行政院國家科學委員會工程技術發展處處長 (民國93年8月至96年7月)
  • 新竹生醫園區籌備處生醫研究規劃組組長 (民國92年10月至95年8月)
  • 國立臺灣大學研究發展委員會企畫組組長 (民國91年2月至93年7月)
  • 美國IBM 加州聖荷西Almaden研究中心研究員 (民國76年6月至83年2月)
  • 光學量測系統原理設計
  • 壓電系統設計與製造
  • 光機電系統設計與製造一、二
  • 光電與壓電系統
  • 光電系統設計
  • 自動化技術
  • 製造與精密量測
  • 微機電與奈米系統
  • 科技管理
  • 國立臺灣大學工學院111學年度斌彥先生講座 (2022/7/21)
  • 國立臺灣大學95、109、110學年度教學優良教師 (2007, 2021, 2022)
  • 獲選為史丹佛大學「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家」,同時進入「終身科學影響力排行榜(1960-2020)」和「2020年度科學影響力排行榜」(2021/08/03)
  • 國立臺灣大學工學院109學年度院務發展貢獻獎 (2021/01/14)
  • 中國工程師學會109年度會士,中國工程師學會 (2020/08/07)
  • 2019年自動化科技工程獎章,中華民國自動化科技學會(2019/11/23)
  • 108年度工程獎章,社團法人中國工程師學會(2019/05/31)
  • 2018年宗倬章先生講座,財團法人宗倬章先生教育基金會(2018/10)
  • 擔任經濟部長任內,規劃及推動各項經濟政策,獲頒行政院一等功績獎章,行政院(2017/09/07)
  • 執行第二期能源國家型科技計畫,榮獲行政院104年度院管制施政計畫優等獎(2016/05)
  • 2015 CIE Distinguish Service Award, Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA (CIE-USA) /Greater New York Chapter (2015/10/17)
  • 執行第二期能源國家型科技計畫,榮獲行政院103年度院管制施政計畫甲等獎(2015/05)
  • 以「可撓式致動器」榮獲102年國家發明創作獎之發明獎金牌 (2013/10)
  • 侯金堆2012傑出榮譽獎(基礎科學/數理類組),侯金堆先生文教基金會 (2013/02)
  • 國科會傑出獎(1999-2001, 2002-2005, 2010-2013)
  • 第七屆中華民國力學學會會士 (2012)
  • 以「紙喇叭指向設計技術」榮獲第26屆日本東京世界創新天才大會暨發明展 (The 26th World Genius Convention)金賞(Gold Metal Prize), International Innovation & Invention Institute (2012/10)
  • Industry Contribution Award, SEMI Taiwan (2010, 2011, 2012)
  • 國際傑出發明家「名人堂」暨「終身成就獎」,臺灣國際發明得獎協會 (2011/11)
  • 第十一屆中華民國科技管理學會院士 (2010)
  • 第一屆中華民國自動化科技學會會士 (2010)
  • 第十五屆光學工程獎章,中華民國光電學會 (2009/12)
  • 技轉工業技術研究院,以Flexio榮獲 Red Dot Award: Design Concept 殊榮 (2009)
  • 技轉工業技術研究院,以FleXpeaker榮獲Wall Street Journal 2009 Technology Innovation Award: Consumer Electronics殊榮 (2009)
  • 領導工業技術研究院團隊執行經濟部創新前瞻計畫,榮獲行政院97年度院管制施政計畫優等獎 (2009/05)
  • 第十五屆東元獎(機械/材料/能源領域),東元科技文教基金會 (2008)
  • 2007第三世界科學院(TWAS)工程科學獎 (2007/11)
  • 教育部獎勵大專院校教師與業界產學合作獎(1998, 2004, 2006)
  • 美國機械工程師協會(ASME)會士 (2006)
  • 英國物理學會(Institute of Physics)(FInstP)會士 (2004)
  • 國立台灣大學教學傑出獎 (2002)
  • 台灣大學工學院土木系所第九屆傑出校友獎 (2002)
  • 第一屆有庠科技講座(奈米科技類),財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會 (2002)
  • Editorial Board, Smart Materials and Structures, Institute of Physics Publishing, London, England (Since 2001).
  • 專利技轉華錦光電,以「全彩立體點矩陣式雷射全像圖案製版機」榮獲光電工業協進會及工業局第三屆傑出光電產品獎 (2000)
  • 專利技轉華錦光電公司,以「雷射都卜勒振動暨干涉儀」榮獲我國第七屆經濟部台灣精品獎 (1999)
  • 專利技轉華錦光電公司榮獲Photonics Spectra Circle of Excellence Award (1998):我國光電廠商僅此一次獲得此一國際光電產品重要獎項
  • 中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎 (1998)
  • 專利技轉華錦光電,以「都卜勒干涉儀」榮獲光電工業協進會及工業局第二屆傑出光電產品獎 (1998)
  • 領導台大慶齡工業中心非破壞檢測暨力學實驗室與華錦光電共同研發新型雷射都卜勒振動暨干涉儀技術榮獲我國光學工程學會八十六年度之「技術貢獻獎」(1997)
  • 美國IBM Invention Achievement Award (1992, 1994)
  • 美國IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (1991)
  • 美國IBM Research Division Annual Accomplishment List (1990)
  • 美國IBM Almaden Research Center Annual Accomplishment List (1989)

Journal Papers (recent 7 years)

  1. C. H. Tsai, M. Aboy, L. Pelaz, Y. H. Hsu, W. Y. Woon, P. J. Timan, and C. K. Lee*, “Rapid thermal process driven intra-die device variations,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 152, paper no. 10705 (December 2022). [DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2022.107052] (first published online, August 23, 2022)
  2. C. H. Tsai, C. P. Savant, M. J. Asadi, Y. M. Lin, I. Santos, Y. H. Hsu, J. Kowalski, L. Pelaz, W. Y. Woon, C. K. Lee*, and J. C. M. Hwang*, “Efficient and stable activation by microwave annealing of nanosheet silicon doped with phosphorus above its solubility limit,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 121, No. 5, paper no. 052103 (August 3, 2022). [DOI: 10.1063/5.0099083]
  3. S. L. Tai and C. K. Lee*, “One-dimensional Traveling Wave Type Linear Piezoelectric Moving Platform Driven by a New Two-frequency Two-mode Excitation Method,” Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 31, No. 3, paper no. 035027 (March 2022). [SCI, EI] [MOST 105-2221-E-002-150-MY3, MOST 110-2221-E-002-143-MY3] [DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ac4db5] (first published online, February 9, 2022)
  4. Y. H. Hsu*, Y. M. Lin, and C. K. Lee*, “A Two-dimensional Piezoelectric Traveling Wave Generator Using a Multi-integer Frequency, Two-mode Method (MIF-TM),” Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 30, No. 12, paper no. 125026 (December 2021). [SCI, EI] [MOST 107-2221-E-002-179-MY3] [DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ac3432] (first published online, November 12, 2021)
  5. Y. H. Hsu, T. Y. Chu, Z. X. Lin, and C. K. Lee*, “A Gated Two-frequency Two-mode Method for Piezoelectric Motorization,” ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, Vol. 1, No. 4, paper no. 041013 (October 2021). [MOST 105-2221-E-002-150-MY3] [DOI: 10.1115/1.4050796] (first published online, April 29, 2021)
  6. Y. M. Lin, Y. H. Hsu*, W. C. Su, Y. T. Kao, and C. K. Lee*, “Development of a Two-Dimensional Piezoelectric Traveling-wave Generator,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 1071-1088 (June 2021). [SCI, EI] [MOST 107-2221-E-002-179-MY3, MOST 105-2221-E-002-150-MY3] [DOI: 10.1177/1045389X20943942] (first published online, July 28, 2020)
  7. C. H. Wang, H. Li, Y. H. Hsu, S. S. Lee, J. W. Huang, W. J. Wu, and C. K. Lee*, “Photonic Doppler Velocimetry for High-Speed Fragment Generator Measurements,” Optics Express, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 3864-3878 (February 2020). [SCI, EI] [MOST 107-2221-E-002-179-MY3, MOST 105-2221-E-002-150-MY3] [DOI: 10.1364/OE.377832]
  8. Y. C. Kuo, C. K. Lee* and C. T. Lin, “Data on a New Sensitivity-improved Miniaturized Label-free Electrochemical Biosensor,” Data in Brief, Vol. 17, pp. 1288-1294 (April 2018). [MOST 103-2627-E-002-004-] [DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.01.096]
  9. Y. C. Kuo, C. K. Lee* and C. T. Lin, “Improving Sensitivity of a Miniaturized Label-free Electrochemical Biosensor using Zigzag Electrodes,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 103, No. 30, pp. 130-137 (April 2018). [SCI, EI] [MOST 105-2221-E-002-116-, MOST 105-2221-E-002 -150 -MY3, and MOST 103-2627-E-002-004-] [DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2017.11.065]
  10. H. H. Wang, T. J. Wu, S. J. Lin, J. T. Gu, C. K. Lee, I. C. Cheng, and Y. H. Hsu*, “Dual Light-activated Microfluidic Pumps Based on an Optopiezoelectric Composite,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 27, No. 12, paper no. 125003 (December 2017). [SCI, EI] [MOST 106-2628-E-002 -002 -MY3, MOST 105-2221-E-002-160-MY3, and MOST 103-2627-E-002-004-] [NTU-ERP-105R89081] [DOI: 10.1088/1361-6439/aa91fc]
  11. P. I. Tsai, A. S. Y. Lee, S. S. Lee, M. H. Chung, M. W. Liu, and C. K. Lee*, “Enhanced Signal and Quantitative Detection of Anti-Interferon-Gamma Antibody by Using a Nanometer Biolinker,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, No. 7, paper no. e0160031 (July 2016). [SCI, EI] [NSC 100-2627-E-002-001, NSC 101-2627-E-002-00, NSC 102-2627-E-002-004, and NSC 102-2221-E-002-188-MY3] [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160031]
  12. E. W. Huang*, Y. H. Hsu, W. T. Chuang, W. C. Ko, C. K. Chang, C. K. Lee, W. C. Chang, T. K. Liao, and H. C. Thong, “Visible-light Modulation on Lattice Dielectric Responses of a Piezo-phototronic Soft Material,” Advanced Materials, Vol. 27, No. 47, pp. 7728-7733 (December 2015). [SCI, EI] [DOI: 10.1002/adma.201503325]
  13. W. C. Chang, W. C. Ko, J. Shieh, C. T. Lin, A. B. Wang, and C. K. Lee*, “A Photo-sensitive Piezoelectric Composite Material of Poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) and Titanium Oxide Phthalocyanine,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 149-150, pp. 254-260 (January 2015). [SCI, EI] [NSC100-2221-E-002-109-MY3] [DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2014.10.014]
  14. C. K. Lee*, P. C. Lai, W. C. Chang, Y. C. Kuo, P. I. Tsai, M. H. Chung, and Julie T. Lee, “Interdisciplinary Research Drivers and Serendipity Factor: An Applied Mechanics Perspective on Some Past Application Platforms,” International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 228-237 (December 2014). [DOI: 10.5875/ausmt.v4i4.846]

Conference Papers (recent 3 years)

  1. Y. T. Liu, S. S. Lee, H. C. Lee, and C. K. Lee*, “Estimating the elasticity properties of arterial phantoms using fiber-based laser doppler vibrometry,” Proceedings of SPIE 12139 - Optical Sensing and Detection VII, paper no. 121391L (May 17, 2022), SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg, France (April 3 - 7, 2022). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2624283]
  2. P. Y. Chen, W. K. Liu, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “Development and analysis of a cellular piezo-electret film,” in the 18th International Conference on Automation Technology 2021 (Automation 2021), paper no. 63, Kinmen, Taiwan (November 12 - 14, 2021).
  3. G. R. Chen, and C. K. Lee*, “Using a non-contact optical method to measure blood flow velocity and to estimate mean arterial pressure,” in the 18th International Conference on Automation Technology 2021 (Automation 2021), paper no. 14, Kinmen, Taiwan (November 12 - 14, 2021).
  4. J. W. Huang* and C. K. Lee, “Design ULVLED stepper with programmable reflective display panel as mask for multiple process wafer,” Proceedings of SPIE 11613 - Optical Microlithography XXXIV, paper no. 116130Q (February 22, 2021), SPIE Advanced Lithography Digital Forum 2021, Online Only, California, USA (February 22 - 26, 2021). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2583817]
  5. C. C. Chien, P. Y. Chen, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “Development and Analysis on a Cellular Electret fabricated by Polypropylene Films for Packaging,” in the 17th International Conference on Automation Technology 2020 (Automation 2020), paper no. 1023, Hualien, Taiwan (November 12 - 14, 2020).
  6. Y. T. Kao, C. Y. Chang, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “Development of a Two-dimensional Piezoelectric Actuator Using Hilbert Transform,” in the 17th International Conference on Automation Technology 2020 (Automation 2020), paper no. 1022, Hualien, Taiwan (November 12 - 14, 2020).
  7. W. C. Su, Z. X. Lin, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “Design of a Piezoelectric Linear Motor Using Hilbert Transform,” in the 17th International Conference on Automation Technology 2020 (Automation 2020), paper no. 1021, Hualien, Taiwan (November 12 - 14, 2020).
  8. Y. S. Liao, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “A Study on a Ferro-electret Film-type Speaker,” Proceedings of SPIE 11376 - Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems IX, Paper No. 113762H (May 13, 2020), SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, California, USA (April 27 - May 8, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2558458]
  9. C. C. Chien, Y. H. Hsu, C. K. Lee, and W. Tang, “Analysis and development of ferroelectret in cellular PP film,” Proceedings of SPIE 11377 - Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials IX, Paper No. 113770J (May 6, 2020), SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, California, USA (April 27 - May 8, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2557943]
  10. W. C. Su, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “Theoretical and experimental study on a piezoelectric linear motor driven by multi-integer-frequency multi-mode method,” Proceedings of SPIE 11376 - Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems IX, Paper No. 1137628 (April 29, 2020), SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, California, USA (April 27 - May 8, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2552979]
  11. Y. T. Kao, Y. H. Hsu, and C. K. Lee, “Design and experimental verification of a planar type two-dimensional piezoelectric actuator,” Proceedings of SPIE 11376 - Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems IX, Paper No. 113760D (April 22, 2020), SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, California, USA (April 27 - May 8, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2557970]
  12. Y. C. Kao, C. H. Wang, S. S. Lee, W. J. Wu, and C. K. Lee, “Blood pressure measurement based on pulse transit time from different positioned photoplethysmography signals,” Proceedings of SPIE 11363 - Tissue Optics and Photonics, Paper No. 113631H (April 2, 2020), SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, France (April 6-10, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2555337]
  13. C. H. Wang, H. Lee, S. S. Lee, W. J. Wu, and C. K. Lee, “Using a PDV system to measure ejection debris velocity after a composite material impact,” Proceedings of SPIE 11354 - Optical Sensing and Detection VI, Paper No. 113521H (April 1, 2020), SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, France (April 6-10, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2555464]
  14. H. T. Chang, C. H. Wang, S. S. Lee, W. J. Wu, and C. K. Lee, “Continuous measurement of wrist artery pulse vibration signals using structured-light projection method,” Proceedings of SPIE 11352 - Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology, Paper No. 1135211 (April 1, 2020), SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, France (April 6-10, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2555341]
  15. Y. J. Hsu, C. H. Wang, S. S. Lee, W. J. Wu, and C. K. Lee, “Non-contact PPG measurement system incorporating image analyzed photoplethysmogram signals and deep learning algorithms,” Proceedings of SPIE 11361 - Biophotonics in Point-of-Care, Paper No. 113610C (April 1, 2020), SPIE Photonics Europe Digital Forum 2020, Online Only, France (April 6-10, 2020). [DOI: 10.1117/12.2555338]

(A) 中華民國專利

  1. C. K. Lee, W. W. Chiang, S. Hetzler, and J. Best, “用於資料記錄磁碟機中之伺服寫入系統”,TW Patent No. 256914 (September 11, 1995).
  2. 葉勝利,李世光,黃智光,李進發,李彥琦,“全像式隱藏圖案防偽法”,TW Patent No. 324811 (January 1, 1998).
  3. 謝啟堂,李世光,“Cylindrical Type Laser Encoders with High Tolerance to Grating Defects and Misalignment (一種對光柵缺陷與對位不準具有高容許度之圓柱狀雷射光學尺)”,TW Patent No. 336274 (July 11, 1998).
  4. 李世光,李進發,葉勝利,葉焜生,“具多重防偽功能之卡片之其判讀裝置”,TW Patent No. 343764 (October 21, 1998).
  5. 李世光,謝啟堂,“Diffractive Grating Linear Laser Encoders with High Tolerance to Grating Defects and Misalignment (一種對於光柵缺陷與對位不準具有高容忍度之繞射光柵線狀光學尺)”,TW Patent No.345614 (November 21, 1998).
  6. 李世光,謝啟堂,“Diffractive Grating Rotary Laser Encoders with High Tolerance to Grating Defects and Misalignment (對於光柵缺陷與對位不準具有高容忍度之繞射光柵式旋轉光學尺)”,TW Patent No.345615 (November 21, 1998)
  7. 李世光,郭奇旺,“光柵/光點複製直寫儀”,TW Patent No. 348244 (December 21, 1998).
  8. 李孝文,李世光,楊運昌,“積分球橢偏儀”,TW Patent No. 358877 (May 21, 1999).*
  9. 江珊如,吳文中,李世光,林長青,徐堅鏹,郭奇旺,謝啟堂,“數位式全彩全像片之製作方法”,TW Patent No. 369608 (September 11, 1999).
  10. 吳志鴻,李世光,李兆祜,羅桂芬,“一種可同時量測相臨兩點速度之量測裝置 (A Device for Measuring the Velocity of Two Neighboring Locations)”,TW Patent No. 389838 (May 11, 2000).
  11. 李兆祜,李世光,陳世叡,林滄泓,李舒昇,薛順成,“一種具大角度變換且可精準控制光束角度之光學機構”,TW Patent No. 392061 (June 1, 2000).*
  12. 李兆祜,李世光,薛順成,李舒昇,吳俊彥,“一種具次奈米級解析度之飛行高度測量方法與裝置”,TW Patent No.392062 (June 1, 2000).*
  13. 李兆祜,李世光,李舒昇,楊運昌,林長青,薛順成,“一種量測物體複折射率及薄膜厚度之光學裝置(A Device for Measuring the Complex Indices of Materials and Thin-film Thickness)”,TW Patent No. 394840 (June 21, 2000).
  14. 李世光,林致廷,蕭文欣,施學兢,“振動量測裝置及其方法”,TW Patent No. 419839 (January 21, 2001).*
  15. 李世光,廖宏榮,呂學士,何念修,“藉反應性離子蝕刻於一鋼基材的表面上形成式樣的方法”,TW Patent No. 430695 (April 21, 2001).*
  16. 謝啟堂,李世光,吳文中,楊運昌,陳正宜,賴振群,陳火棋”,相變位光記錄光碟之初始化裝置”,TW Patent No. 432379 (May 1, 2001).
  17. 李世光,吳乾埼,張培仁,“一種結合兩道同調光束利用干涉進行多次直接曝光以定義圖樣的製程技術”,TW Patent No. 445512 (July 11, 2001).
  18. 李世光,吳乾埼,湯競恆,“可將照射光源轉換為單一偏極態光源之光偏極態轉換器”,TW Patent No.448309 (August 1, 2001).
  19. 李世光,吳乾埼,湯競恆,“具有場致發光片並輸出單一偏極態的背光源模組之架構”,TW Patent No. 450013 (August 11, 2001).
  20. 李世光,吳乾埼,湯競恆,“可以控制輸出光源偏極態的背光源模組之架構”,TW Patent No. 454098 (September 11, 2001).
  21. 李世光,吳乾埼,湯競恆,“可將照射光源轉換為單一偏極態光源之光偏極態轉換器”,TW Patent No. 459142 (October 11, 2001).*
  22. 李世光,吳乾埼,湯競恆,“可以控制輸出光源偏極態的背光源模組之架構”,TW Patent No. 459153 (October 11, 2001).
  23. 李世光,周子涵,林怡璋,陳世叡,林滄泓,嚴明明,郭維義,“破片彈著分佈量測技術開發”, TW Patent No. 464765 (November 21, 2001).
  24. 李世光,李舒昇,湯競恆,“光偏極態轉換器(3M-PS Converter)”,TW Patent No. 468059 (December 11, 2001).
  25. 李朱育,蕭俊豪,李世光,陳世叡,龔世中,林怡璋,林滄泓,“掃描式雷射超音波裝置”,TW Patent No. 471633 (January 1, 2002).
  26. 李世光,黃榮山,陳文中,湯競恆,李清華,張本超,“影像感應器之結構整合(Wafer-Level-Bonding)”,TW Patent No. 473942 (January 21, 2002).
  27. 李世光,蕭文欣,許聿翔,謝志文,“壓電變壓器和濾波器及換能器裝置”,TW Patent No. 474040 (January 21, 2002).*
  28. 李世光,黃榮山,陳文中,湯競恆,李清華,“高光感效率之影像感應裝置及其製造方法”,TW Patent No. 475334 (February 1, 2002).
  29. 李世光,余良彬,吳乾埼,李舒昇,吳文中,溫明華,潘政晟,陳世睿,吳俊彥,賴彥甫,“具光柵光學尺相差及對位誤差高容許度之繞射式雷射光學尺”,TW Patent No. 475053 (February 1, 2002). *
  30. 張中柱,高清芬,李世光,“一種共軛光路式二維位移量測方法”,TW Patent No. 479125 (March 11, 2002).
  31. 李世光,許聿翔,“一種增益函數但相位可分立設計之振動檢測裝置”,TW Patent No. 505793 (October 11, 2002).
  32. 李世光,李舒昇,吳乾埼,湯競恆,“偏極分離背光源模組”,TW Patent No. 507086 (October 21, 2002).*
  33. 李朱育,施學兢,李世光,“顯微式雷射超音波產生與檢測裝置”,TW Patent No. 508438 (November 1, 2002).
  34. 童建樺,李世光,吳政忠,“精密壓電衝擊槌系統”,TW Patent No. 517156 (January 11, 2003).
  35. 李世光,許聿翔,謝德璋,“具有互相獨立之增益與相位函數之四階偏微分方程壓電換能裝置”,TW Patent No. 523582 (March 11, 2003).*
  36. 陳怡君,李舒昇,李仲敏,陳慶蔚,張惠雲,葉俊彬,李世光,“剪相式光波波前測量裝置”,TW Patent No. 524966 (March 21, 2003).*
  37. 李世光,林致廷,李舒昇,湯競恆,“光偏極態轉換器”,TW Patent No. 524994 (March 21, 2003).*
  38. 楊長謀,林振華,李世光,張所鋐,“壓電式噴墨頭之噴墨裝置及其製造方法”,TW Patent No. 528680 (April 21, 2003).
  39. 蘇友欣,魯希連,龍訓民,董忠和,劉大章,許世明,林世明,王安邦,李世光,林啟萬,“陣列式生物晶片之微流道系統”,TW Patent No. 538004 (June 21, 2003).
  40. 李世光,許聿翔,黃榮山,謝德璋,“壓電薄片型運動感應裝置及方法”,TW Patent No. 538239 (June 21, 2003).
  41. 蘇友欣,魯希連,龍訓民,董忠和,劉大章,林世明,黃榮山,林啟萬,許世明,李世光,王安邦,“使用於生物晶片上之攪拌構造”,TW Patent No. 541202 (July 11, 2003).
  42. 李世光,吳政忠,黃耀田,劉典瓛,吳維明,張祐嘉,“一種次微米間隙線寬的表面光阻曝光方法”,TW Patent No. 563179 (November 21, 2003).
  43. 李世光,薛順成,李舒昇,吳俊彥,林啟萬,林世明,“一種多功光電生物醫學晶片檢測儀”,TW Patent No. 569008 (January 1, 2004).
  44. 李世光,許聿翔,謝德璋,“具有互相獨立之增益與相位函數之壓電換能裝置”,TW Patent No. 573397 (January 21, 2004).*
  45. 林振華,呂文崇,楊長謀,李世光,“壓電式噴墨印頭及其製程”,TW Patent No. 577817 (March 1, 2004).
  46. 蔡明郎,溫俊祥,郭惠隆,黃國棟,吳耀庭,胡應強,李世光,余良彬,陳品誠,劉安順,“產生偏極化光源之導光模組”,TW Patent No. 585984 (May 1, 2004).*
  47. 李世光,湯競恒,鄭岳世,李全發,余良彬,李清華,祝煜倫,陳家怡,林嘉龍,林聖堯,“疊紋透鏡”,TW Patent No. 586022 (May 1, 2004).
  48. 林啟萬,李舒昇,黃振剛,李世光,張培仁,林世明,“改變表面漸逝波共振狀況之對稱與不對稱奈米複層膜結構”,TW Patent No. 591224 (June 11, 2004).*
  49. 林啟萬,黃啟裕,邱志鵬,劉盈村,薛順成,郭德盛,黃榮山,張培仁,楊龍杰,吳造中,林世明,李世光,“表面電漿子共振感測系統及方法”,TW Patent No. 593999 (June 21, 2004).*
  50. 林嘉龍,陳家怡,陳俊光,蕭文欣,李世光,“自動辨識變色薄膜之技術”,TW Patent No. I220235 (August 11, 2004).
  51. 李世光,黃榮山,吳采薇,蕭文欣,莊漢聲,楊正財,“產生可調變景深與大小之立體影像之觀測元件及裝置”,TW Patent No. M272996 (August 11, 2005).
  52. 陳秋麟,蘇偉全,李世光,林逸彥,許聿翔,吳文中,蕭文欣,“雙模式驅動之壓電變流器”,TW Patent No. I246820 (January 1, 2006).
  53. 林啟萬,李政隆,李世光,王維新,“一種改良型直線光波導式表面電漿子共振微感測器”,TW Patent No. I247886 (January 21, 2006).
  54. 王安邦,卓尼捷,李俊賢,王怡華,徐明璋,李世光,費德全,“微流體混合裝置及其方法”,TW Patent No. I249431 (February 21, 2006).
  55. 周淑金,李秉璋,顏佳瑩,李世光,陳春弟,“抗反射性光學結構之成型模具及其製作方法”,TW Patent No. I250928 (March 11, 2006).
  56. 林啟萬,宋致祥,林世明,李世光,“一種側向表面電漿共振波生物分子感測裝置”,TW Patent No. I252916 (April 11, 2006).
  57. 金明輝,高成炎,陳奕帆,吳文中,李世光,“自動化階層式感測網路架構及其管理方法”,ROC Patent No. I253252 (April 11, 2006).
  58. 李世光,葉超雄,吳光鐘,林鼎晸,陳怡君,王湧峰,周佩廷,李鎮瑋,楊東霖,“光學頭及具有該光學頭之光學蝕刻裝置”,TW Patent No. I258759 (July 21, 2006).
  59. 蘇友欣,魯希連,龍訓民,董忠和,劉大章,許世明,李世光,林世明,黃榮山,林啟萬,“生物晶片工作平台”,TW Patent No. I259208 (August 1, 2006).*
  60. 蘇友欣,魯希連,劉大章,龍訓民,黃榮山,林世明,劉得杏,陳建勳,李世光,“生物檢測細胞晶片及製造方法”,TW Patent No. I261620 (September 11, 2006).
  61. 楊燿州,黃國修,林啟萬,楊龍杰,趙福杉,李世光,張培仁,黃瀅英,“微流體混合元件之類魚脊結構”,TW Patent No. M297788 (September 21, 2006).
  62. 李世光,余良彬,廖駿偉,林鼎晸,葉吉田,邱佑宗,陳春弟,吳乾埼,葉超雄,張祐嘉,黃國棟,陳怡君,王湧峰,“一種可提供次波長尺寸光束的光學頭”,TW Patent No. I266305 (November 11, 2006). *
  63. 林世明,李世光,李世元,林頒千,陳吉良,林雲漢,林啟萬,許世明,“具有共價鍵結定錨化合物之分子探針晶片”,TW Patent No. I270673 (January 11, 2007).
  64. 戴基福,高崇洋,李世光,張智奇,“鷹架結構安全之無線感測器及即時監控系統”,TW Patent No. I283839 (July 11, 2007).
  65. 許清祥,饒仲華,李世光,吳文中,蕭文欣,陳俊光,陳奕帆,陳怡君,洪榮男,“應用通訊網路之地理災害監測與警報系統”,TW Patent No. I284864 (August 1, 2007).*
  66. 邢本元,黃維綱,許曾昱,吳明德,張良肇,盛寶徵,李世光,鄭志強,蕭文欣,“被動式熱聲散熱裝置”,TW Patent No. I285630 (August 21, 2007).*
  67. 許聿翔,蕭文欣,吳文中,李世光,鄭志強,陳逸帆,陳俊光,溫昱傑,蔡富吉,黃繼德,“一種直接在印刷電路板上安裝壓電換能器的裝置及方法”,TW Patent No. I288588 (October 11, 2007).
  68. 謝葆如,郭惠隆,李世光,陳文中,“顯示元件用之反射式繞射元件”,TW Patent No. I293699 (February 21, 2008).
  69. 李世光,吳文中,蕭文欣,“電化學檢測方法及裝置”,TW Patent No. I295372 (April 1, 2008).
  70. 林啟萬,李政隆,王維新,李世光,“一種具正弦彎曲補償之微型化表面電漿共振光波導元件”,TW Patent No. I298104 (June 21, 2008).
  71. 李世元,朱淑芳,張瑀庭,王淑惠,李世光,林世明,林啓萬,蕭文欣,“氫氧基烷酸化合物及正-溴基烷酸之合成方法”, TW Patent No. I302529 (November 1, 2008).
  72. 林啟萬,邱南福,李君浩,楊龍杰,楊燿州,李世光,“有機電致發光表面電漿共振型感測感置”,TW Patent No. I304707 (December 21, 2008).*
  73. 林世明,李世光,李世元,朱淑芳,蕭文欣,陳志傑,王安邦,高全良,林啓萬,蘇慶琅,董育蕙,張光男,黃榮山,張培仁,吳文中,陳家智,徐明璋,許世明,洪錦堂,“一種破壞冠狀病毒致病性之活性劑”, TW Patent No. I304338 (December 21, 2008).
  74. 黃耀田,蕭文欣,王彥傑,陳昱元,吳文中,李世光,“多輸出壓電變壓器與換流器”, TW Patent No. I312161 (July 11, 2009).
  75. 蘇慶琅,李世元,朱淑芳,李世光,蕭文欣,“具有加強靜電纖維織品駐極體特性之添加物”,TW Patent No. I322029 (March 21, 2010)
  76. 楊明樺,莊孟哲,林暐翔,陳宇濬,許峻豪,蕭文欣,李世光,吳文中,“微型注模技術和製作有機薄膜電晶體的方法”, TW Patent No. I323039 (April 1, 2010)
  77. 林嘉宇,鄭志強,李世光,吳文中,陳俊杉,張培仁,“超音波測距感測器總成及其超音波測距感測器",TW Patent No. I329585 (September 1, 2010).
  78. 李世光,吳文中,陳俊杉,謝宗霖,蕭文欣,鄭志強,鄒年棣,黃耀田,劉元平,陳昱元,王彥傑,“超音波換能器裝置”,TW Patent No. I343558 (June 11, 2011).
  79. 黃榮山,李世光,李世元,吳光鐘,顏毅廣,“用以感測化學物質之微型感測器”,TW Patent No. I346777 (August 11, 2011).
  80. 李世光,柯文清,黃繼德,陳嘉倫,呂英毅,蕭文欣,鄭志強,賀仁萱,吳文中,“揚聲系統”,TW Patent No. I351886 (November 1, 2011).*
  81. 林啟萬,李政隆,莊榮輝,林世明,李世光,朱瑞民,王金和,方俊民,莊琮亮,“光波導型表面電漿共振感測裝置”,TW Patent No. I354782 (December 21, 2011).
  82. 林啟萬,邱南福,李世光,吳光鐘,“用於生物分子鑑定之雙頻帶微平面倒F型天線及其鑑定方法”,TW Patent No. I359269 (March 1, 2012)
  83. 林啟萬,邱南福,馮偉意,張家禎,何國川,李世光,吳光鐘,“以導電金屬氧化物為中介層改善表面電漿共振特性之方法”,TW Patent No. I364533 (May 21, 2012).
  84. 顏家鈺,顏凡哲,李世光,林啟萬,吳光鍾,曾慶恩,“健康監控裝置及人體電訊號處理方法”,TW Patent No. I365062 (June 1, 2012).*
  85. 李世光,林鼎晸,鄭琮達,張晉愷,陳志豪,葉超雄,張祐嘉,“光學頭”,TW Patent No. I370911 (August 21, 2012).*
  86. 李世光,吳文中,鄭志強,林嘉宇,賀仁萱,陳俊杉,謝宗霖,蕭文欣,“具切割口啞鈴形腔室之超音波換能器”,TW Patent No. I371980 (September 1, 2012).
  87. 李世光,柯文清,陳嘉倫,蕭文欣,吳文中,“可撓式致動器”,TW Patent No. I379603 (December 11, 2012).*
  88. 李世光,吳文中,鄭志強,林嘉宇,賀仁萱,陳俊杉,謝宗霖,蕭文欣,“啞鈴形腔室之超音波換能器”,TW Patent No. I380703 (December 21, 2012).
  89. 李世元,李世光,柯文清,陳嘉倫,呂英毅,蕭文欣,吳文中,“駐極體材料、駐極體揚聲器與其製造方法”,TW Patent No. I386074 (February 11, 2013).*
  90. 李世光,柯文清,陳嘉倫,蕭文欣,吳怡潔,吳文中,“聲音產生裝置”, TW Patent No. I400964 (July 13, 2013).*
  91. 郭蘋漢,李世光,楊明樺,吳東昇,李康莊,謝旭明,賴柏誠,“有機太陽能電池及其製作方法”,TW Patent No. I414097 (November 1, 2013).*
  92. 林啟萬,吳光鐘,李世光,林世明,李世元,趙福杉,陳秋麟,李雨,黃榮山,呂學士,林風,顏家鈺,楊燿州,楊龍杰,施文彬,邱南福,“無線生醫監測系統”,TW Patent No. I413770 (November 1, 2013).*
  93. 李世光,李世元,陳菁菘,張谷寧,陳盈樺,李勇杰,“連接物、阻抗式生物晶片及使用該晶片在流體樣品中定量偵測目標分析物之方法”,TW Patent No. I453282 (September 21, 2014).*
  94. 李世光,陳昱吉,陳漢龍,廖旭清,蕭文欣,“駐極體揚聲裝置”,TW Patent No. I455603 (October 1, 2014).*
  95. 李世元,李世光,柯文清,陳嘉倫,呂英毅,蕭文欣,吳文中,“駐極體薄膜之製造方法及包含該駐極體薄膜之揚聲器”,TW Patent No. I462598 (November 21, 2014).*
  96. 李世光,簡志仁,李侑勳,陳俊諺,游育諺,陳德薰,“光學頭”,TW Patent No. I461741 (November 21, 2014).*
  97. 高哲一,李世光,柯文清,劉昌和,呂英毅,陳明道,詹益仁,曾建凱,“駐極體振膜與使用此駐極體振膜的喇叭”,TW Patent No. I465118 (December 11, 2014).
  98. 王安邦,林怡君,王怡華,李世光,林世明,“微區塊塗佈裝置及其方法”,TW Patent No. I466732 (January 1, 2015).
  99. 林世明,李世光,李世元,洪錦堂,鄭明珠,林志成,吳榮信,朱淑芳,張瑀庭,柯文清,“崩解抑制病毒細菌感染增殖之物質及方法”,TW Patent No. I488661 (June 21, 2015).
  100. 李世光,陳昱吉,陳漢龍,廖旭清,蕭文欣,“駐極體揚聲裝置”,TW Patent No. I491273 (July 1, 2015).*
  101. 李世光,張嘉祥,洪永杰,周澤民,李昆鴻,陳靜芳,黃珮雯,張月英,“具有時間資訊的螢幕解鎖方法、解鎖系統及記錄媒體”,TW Patent No. I619067 (March 21, 2018).*

(B) 美國專利  

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  4. K. A. Flechsig, C. K. Lee, S. L. Lee, U. V. Nayak, and T. C. O’Sullivan, “Method for Optimizing Piezoelectric Surface Asperity Detection Sensor,” US Patent No. 5,450,747 (September 19, 1995).
  5. C. K. Lee, A. C. Munce, and T. C. O’Sullivan, “Disk Drive with Acceleration Rate Sensing,” US Patent No. 5,521,772 (May 28, 1996).
  6. K. Flechsig, C. K. Lee, S. L. Lee, U. V. Nayak, and T. C. O’Sullivan, “Method and Apparatus for Optimizing Piezoelectric Surface Asperity Detection Sensor,” US Patent No. 5,581,021 (December 3, 1996).
  7. G. P. Singh, S. P. Arya, D. Drajnovich, T. C. O’Sullivan, P. S. Alexopoulos, and C. K. Lee, “Laser Apparatus and Method for Adjusting the Gram Load Static Attitude and Flying Height of a Slider in a Head Suspension Assembly,” US Patent No. 5,712,463 (January 27, 1998).
  8. C. K. Lee, H. Z. Liao, S. S. Lu, and N. S. Ho, “Method for Forming Pattern on Steel Substrate by Reactive Ion Etching,” US Patent No. 5,891,351 (April 6, 1999).
  9. J. S. Best, W. W. Chiang, S. R. Hetzler, D. E. Horne, C. K. Lee, and V. Marrello, “Servo-writing System for Use in a Data Recording Disk Drive,” US Patent No. 5,909,333 (June 1, 1999).
  10. H. W. Lee, C. K. Lee, and Y. C. Yang, “Integrating sphere ellipsometer,” US Patent No. 5,929,994 (July 27, 1999).
  11. C. K. Lee, G. Y. Wu, W. J. Wu, K. S. Yeh, and C. F. Lee, “Interference Apparatus for Measuring Absolute and Differential Motions of Same or Different Testing Surface,” US Patent No. 5,949,546 (September 7, 1999).
  12. G. P. Singh, S. P. Arya, D.J. Krajnovich, T. C. O’Sullivan, P. S. Alexopoulos, and C. K. Lee, “Laser Apparatus and Method Adjusting the Gram Load, Static Attitude and Flying Height in a Head Suspension Assembly,” US Patent No. 6,011,239 (January 4, 2000).
  13. Y. C. Chen, S. S. Lee, C. M. Lee, C. W. Chen, H. Y. Chang, G. B. Yeh, C. K. Lee, S. T. Lin, C. T. Hsieh, and W. L. Chen, “Optical Wavefront Analyzer and Method Using a Single Wave Shifter,” US Patent No. 6,115,126 (September 5, 2000).
  14. Solomon J. H. Lee, C. K. Lee, Tony C. H. Lin, S. J. Chen, S. S. Lee, S. C. Shiue, “Optical mechanism for precisely controlling the angle of an incident light beam within a large incident angle range,” US Patent No. 6,288,841 (September 11, 2001).
  15. P. J. Hsieh, H. L. Kuo, C. K. Lee, and W. J. Chen, “Reflective Diffraction Grating for Use in Display Devices,” US Patent No. 6,351,334 (February. 26, 2002).
  16. C. K. Lee, C. C. Wu, and C. H. Tang, “Light beam polarization converter,” US Patent No. 6,373,630 (April 16, 2002).
  17. Solomon J. H. Lee, C. K. Lee, S. S. Lee, Y. C. Yang, C. C. Lin, and S. C. Shiue, “Device for measuring the complex refractive index and thin film thickness of a sample,” US Patent No. 6,483,584 (November 19, 2002).
  18. C. K. Lee, C. T. Lin, W. H. Hsiao, and H. C. Shih, ”Device and method for measuring vibration,” US Patent No. 6,510,738 (January 28, 2003).
  19. C. K. Lee, C. T. Lin, S. S. Lee, and C. H. Tang, “Light Beam Polarization Converter for Converting an Illumination Light Source,” US Patent No. 6,587,275 (July 1, 2003).
  20. J. H. Lee, C. K. Lee, S. C. Shiue, S. S. Lee, and J. Y. Wu, “Method and an apparatus for measuring the flying height with sub-nanometer resolution,” US Patent No. 6,590,667 (July 8, 2003).
  21. C. K. Lee, W. H. Hsiao, Y. H. Hsu, and C. W. Hsieh, “Piezoelectric transducer having a modal-shaped electrode,” US Patent No. 6,597,085 (July 22, 2003).
  22. C. K. Lee, Y. H. Hsu, and D. C. Hsieh, “Piezoelectric transducer apparatus having independent gain and phase characteristics functions of the fourth-order partial differential equations,” US Patent No. 6,603,242 (August 5, 2003).
  23. C. K. Lee, C. C. Wu, and C. H. Tang, “Polarization splitting backlight module,” US Patent No. 6,631,031 (October 7, 2003).
  24. C. W. Lin, C. Y. Huang, J. P. Chiu, Y. T. Liou, S. C. Shiue, T. S. Kuo, L. S. Huang, P. Z. Chang, L. J. Yang, C. C. Wu, S. M. Lin, and C. K. Lee, “Sensor system of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and measuring method thereof,” US Patent No. 6,661,520 (December 9, 2003).
  25. C. K. Lee, L. S. Huang, W. J. Chen, C. H. Tang, and C. H. Lee, “Method for integrating image sensors with optical components,” US Patent No. 6,679,964 (January 20, 2004).
  26. C. K. Lee, J. Y. Wu, S. S. Lee, and C. H. Tang, “Polarization splitting backlight module,” US Patent No. 6,688,751 (February 10, 2004).
  27. C. C. Chang, C. F. Kao, and C. K. Lee, “Method for measuring two-dimensional displacement using conjugate optics,” US Patent No. 6,744,520 (June 1, 2004).
  28. Y. H. Hsu, W. H. Hsiao, W. J. Wu and C. K. Lee, “Augmenting Surface Electrode for Piezoelectric Workpiece,” US Patent No. 6,747,401 (June 8, 2004).
  29. Y. H. Su, H. L. Lu, T. C. Liu, H. M. Lung, L. S. Huang, S. M. Lin, D. X. Liou, C. H. Chen, and C. K. Lee, “Biological cell test method and apparatus,” US Patent No. 6,828,807 (December 7, 2004).
  30. C. K. Lee, S. C. Shiue, S. S. Lee, J. Y. Wu, C. W. Lin, and S. M. Lin, “Multi-functional opto-electronic biochip detection system,” US Patent No. 6,844,935 (January 18, 2005).
  31. C. W. Lin, C. K. Huang, S. M. Lin, C. K. Lee, P. Z. Chang, and S. S. Lee, “Repeated structure of nanometer thin films with symmetric or asymmetric configuration for SPR signal modulation,” US Patent No. 6,870,237 (March 22, 2005).
  32. Herman Rao, C. H. Hsu, J. N. Huang, C. K. Lee, W. J. Wu, W. H. Hsiao, C. K. Chen, Y. F. Chen, and Y. C. Chen, “Alert system and method for geographic or natural disasters utilizing a telecommunications network,” US Patent No. 6,914,525 (July 5, 2005).
  33. C. K. Lee, L. B. Yu, C. C. Wu, S. S. Lee, W. J. Wu, M. H. Wen, S. J. Chen, and G. Y. Wu, “Diffraction laser encoder apparatus,” US Patent No. 6,919,561 (July 19, 2005).
  34. M. L. Tsai, C. H. Wen, H. L. Kuo, K. T. Huang, Y. T. Wu, Y. C. Hu, C. K. Lee, L. B. Yu, P. C. Chen and A. S. Liu, “Light-guide module for emitting particular polarized light beams,” US Patent No. 6,927,911 (August 9, 2005).
  35. C. K. Lee, Y. H. Hsu, L. S. Huang, and D. C. Hsieh, “Piezoelectric laminate motion sensing apparatus and method,” US Patent No. 6,998,759 (February 14, 2006).
  36. H. L. Kuo, C. H. Wen, M. L. Tsai, Y. T. Wu, Y. H. Wu, and C. K. Lee, “High brightness diffuser,” US Patent No. 7,006,293 (February 28, 2006).
  37. C. K. Lee, Y. H. Hsu, L. S. Huang, and D. C. Hsieh, “Piezoelectric laminate motion sensing apparatus and method,” US Patent No. 7,071,597 (July 4, 2006).
  38. Y. H. Su, H. L. Lu, H. M. Lung, C. H. Tung, T. C. Liu, C. K. Lee, S. M. Hsu, S. M. Lin, L. S. Huang, and C. W. Lin, “Array biochip workstation,” US Patent No. 7,148,057 (December 12, 2006).
  39. C. W. Lin, C. L. Lee, W. S. Wang, and C. K. Lee, “Miniature surface plasmon resonance waveguide device with sinusoidal curvature compensation,” US Patent No. 7,197,196 (March 27, 2007).
  40. C. W. Lin, C. K. Lee, Z. H. Sung, and S. M. Lin, “Biomolecular sensor system utilizing a transverse propagation wave of surface plasmon resonance (SPR),” US Patent No. 7,271,914 (September 18, 2007).
  41. C. K. Lee, L. B. Yu, J. W. Liaw, D. Z. Lin, J. T. Tyan, Y. T. Chiu, C. T. Chen, C. C. Wu, C. S. Yeh, Y. C. Chang, K. T. Huang, Y. C. Chen, and Y. F. Wang, “Optical head capable of providing a subwavelength beams,” US Patent No. 7,288,776 (October 30, 2007).
  42. Y. T. Huang, W. H. Hsiao, Y. C. Wang, Y. Y. Chen, W. J. Wu, and C. K. Lee, “Multi-output piezoelectric inverter and transformer thereof,” US Patent No. 7,474,040 (January 6, 2009).
  43. C. W. Lin, N. F. Chiu, W. Y. Feng, C. C. Chang, K. C. Ho, C. K. Lee, and K. C. Wu, “Method for improving surface plasmon resonance by using conducting metal oxide as adhesive layer,” US Patent No. 7,671,995 (March 2, 2010).
  44. C. W. Lin, J. L. Lee, R. H. Juang, S. M. Lin, C. K. Lee, R. M. Chu, C. H. Wang, J. M. Fang, and T. L. Chuang, “Optical waveguide surface plasmon resonance sensor,” US Patent No. 7,679,749 (March 16, 2010).
  45. L. S. Huang, C. K. Lee, S. Y. Lee, K. C. Wu, and Y. K. Yen, “Micro-sensor for sensing chemical substance,” US Patent No. 7,730,767 (June 8, 2010).
  46. C. K. Lee, S. S. Lee, C. H. Sung, and Y. H. Chen, “Surface plasmon resonance meter,” US Patent No. 7,791,730 (September 7, 2010).
  47. C. W. Lin, N. F. Chiu, C. K. Lee, and K. C. Wu, “Dual-band micro-planar inverted F antenna used for biomolecular finger print and its identification method,” US Patent No. 7,830,372 (October 26, 2010).
  48. A. B. Wang, I. C. Lin, Y. H. Wang, and C. K. Lee, “Micro patch coating device and method,” US Patent No. 7,824,736 (November 2, 2010).
  49. C. K. Lee, D. Z. Lin, T. D. Cheng, C. K. Chang, C. H. Chen, C. S. Yeh, and Y. C. Chang, “Optical head,” US Patent No. 7,957,250 (June 7, 2011).
  50. C. K. Lee, W. J. Wu, C. C. Cheng, C. Y. Lin, J. H. Ho, C. S. Chen, Jay Shieh, and W. H. Hsiao, “Ultrasound transducer with a dumbbell-shaped chamber,” US Patent No. 7,982,366 (July 19, 2011).
  51. C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, J. D. Huang, J. L. Chen, I. Y. Leu, W. H. Hsiao, C. C. Cheng, J. H. Ho, and W. J. Wu, “Electrostatic loudspeaker array,” US Patent No. 8,009,838 (August 30, 2011).
  52. C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, J. L. Chen, W. H. Hsiao, and W, J. Wu, “Flexible electret actuators and methods of manufacturing the same,” US Patent No. 8,098,855 (January 7, 2012).
  53. S. Y. Lee, C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, J. L. Chen, I. Y. Leu, W. H. Hsiao, and W. J. Wu, “Electret materials, electret speakers, and methods of manufacturing the same,” US Patent No. 8,111,847 (February 7, 2012).
  54. S. M. Lin, C. K. Lee, S. Y. Lee, J. T. Hong, M. C. Cheng, C. C. Lin, R. S. Wu, S. F. Chu, Y. T. Chang, and W. C. Ko, “Compound for inactivating viruses and bacteria and method of making same,” US Patent No. 8,110,605 (February 7, 2012).
  55. C. Y. Lin, C. C. Cheng, C. K. Lee, W. J. Wu, C. S. Chen, and P. Z. Chang, “Ultrasonic Distance-Measuring Sensor with Gap and Partition between Vibrating Surfaces,” US Patent No. 8,164,981 (April 24, 2012).
  56. C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, J. L. Chen, W. H. Hsiao, and W. J. Wu, “Flexible piezoelectric sound-generating devices,” US Patent No. 8,379,888 (February 19, 2013).
  57. P. H. Kuo, C. K. Lee, M. H. Yang, D. S. Wu, K. C. Lee, S. M. Hsieh, and P. C. Lai, “Organic solar cell and method for forming the same,” US Patent No. 8,492,647 (July 23, 2013).
  58. J. Y. Yen, F. C. Yen, C. K. Lee, C. W. Lin, K. C. Wu, and C. E. Tseng, “Health monitoring device and human electric signal processing method,” US Patent No. 8,498,696 (July 30, 2013).
  59. C. I. Kao, C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, C. H. Liou, I. Y. Leu, M. D. Chen, Y. J. Chan, and C. K. Tseng, “Electret diaphragm and speaker using the same,” US Patent No. 8,503,702 (August 6, 2013).
  60. C. K. Lee, C. K. Chang, K. T. Chen, H. L. Kuo, and W. J. Wu, “Actuator and method for using the same,” US Patent No. 8,531,082 (September 10, 2013).
  61. C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, J. L. Chen, W. H. Hsiao, and W. J. Wu, “Flexible piezoelectric sound-generating devices,” US Patent No. 8,600,082 (December 3, 2013).
  62. C. K. Lee, C. J. Chien, Y. H. Lee, C. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Yu, and T. H. Chen, “Optical head,” US Patent No. 8,625,949 (January 7, 2014).
  63. C. K. Lee, S. Y. Lee, C. S. Chen, K. N. Chang, Y. H. Chen, and B. Y. J. Lee, “Linker, impedance biochip, and method of quantitatively detecting target analyte in fluid sample using the biochip,” US Patent No. 8,663,451 (March 4, 2014).
  64. C. K. Lee, Y. C. Chen, H. L Chen, H. C. Liao, and W. H. Hsiao, “Electret loudspeaker device,” US Patent No. 8,699,730 (April 15, 2014).
  65. S. Y. Lee, C. K. Lee, W. C. Ko, J. L. Chen, I. Y. Leu, W. H. Hsiao, and W. J. Wu, “Method of manufacturing an electret film,” US Patent No. 8,776,367 (July 15, 2014).
  66. C. K. Lee, Y. C. Chen, H. L Chen, H. C. Liao, and W. H. Hsiao, “Electret loudspeaker device,” US Patent No. 8,855,339 (October 7, 2014).
  67. C. K. Lee, Y. H. Hsu, W. J. Wu, T. Y. Chu, and Y. M. Lin, “Piezoelectric Apparatus for Motorization,” US Patent No. 11,258,378 (February 22, 2022).


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