辦公室:應用力學館 408室
- PhD (Mathematics), University of California, Berkeley, 1985
- BS (Chemical Engineering), National Taiwan University, 1980
- 臺灣大學應用力學研究所所長 (2009.8-2012.7)
- 臺灣大學理論科學研究中心執行委員(應用數學) (2007.8- )
- 中央研究院研究員/執行長 (2005.8-2009.7), 合聘研究員 (2009.8- )
- IUTAM (國際理論與應用力學聯盟) 臺灣代表 (2010.10- )
- 臺灣血管新生學會 理事長 (2012.8-2016.8)
- 哥倫比亞大學 香港科技大學 德國 Erlangen-Nürnberg 大學訪問教授
- 應用數學; 電子學實驗; 高等動力學; 專題討論
- 每年擬針對上述研究領域, 招收博/碩士班研究生3至5名
- 有意願進入本實驗室研究之新生, 請備簡歷(自傳, 專長, 學歷) 並說明意願
- 直接寄給本人 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
- 招生標準首重個人意願, 興趣, 決心/努力/毅力, 簡單的面談, 學歷僅供參考.
- 力元理論與應用
- 分子幫浦設計分析
- 主頻時譜與訊號診斷
- 二維與鈣鈦礦能源材料
- 奈米元件電路分析
- 生醫散射影像與診斷
- 微觀與多尺度散熱分析
曾獲國科會(科技部) 傑出獎(3次), 傑出人才講座, 德國 Humboldt 基金學者
- Lin YS, Chu CC, Tsui PH* & Chang CC* (2013) Evaluation of zebrafish brain development by optical coherence tomography. Journal of Biophotonics 6, 668–678. (SCI)
- Chen YC, Huang SL, Li ZY, Chang CC* & Chu CC* (2013) A bathtub vortex under the influence of a protruding cylinder in a rotating tank. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 733, 134-157. (SCI)
- Liu TH, Pao CW* & Chang CC* (2013) An analytical model for calculating thermal properties of 2D nanomaterials. Applied Physics Letters103, 171909. (SCI)
- Kung CF, Wang CY & Chang CC* (2013) A periodic array of nano-scale slats for high-efficiency electro-osmotic pumping. Electrophoresis 34, 3133-3140. (SCI)
- Liu TH, Lee SC, CW Pao* & Chang CC* (2014) Anomalous thermal transport along the grain boundaries of bicrystalline graphene nanoribbons from atomistic simulations. Carbon 73, 432-442. (SCI)
- Ho MC, Tsui PH*, Lee YH, Chen YS, Chen CN, Lin JJ* & Chang CC* (2014) Early Detection of Liver Fibrosis in Rats Using 3D Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging: a Feasibility Evaluation. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 40, 2272-2284. (SCI)
- Liu TH, Chen YC, Pao CW* & Chang CC* (2014) Anisotropic thermal conductivity of MoS2 nanoribbons: Chirality and edge effects. Applied Physics Letters 104, 201909. (SCI)
- Shu YC, Chern IL & Chang CC (2014) Accurate Gradient Approximation for Complex Interface Problems in 3D by an Improved Coupling Interface Method. Journal of Computational Physics 275, 642-661. (SCI)
- Lin YS, Chu CC, Lin JJ, Chang CC*, Wang CC, Wang CY and Tsui PH* (2014) Optical coherence tomography: A new strategy to image planarian regeneration. Scientific Reports 4, 6316. (SCI)
- Shih CM, Kung CF, Chang CC* & Pan TW* (2014) Self-organized capacity for energy extraction by clustering particles in two-species suspension flow at low Reynolds numbers. Applied Physics Letters (in the press, SCI)