
- 美國史丹福大學 環境流體力學(副修: 計算數學) 博士
- 美國麻省理工學院 土木環境工程 碩士
- 臺灣大學 生物環境系統工程學系 學士
- 美國史丹福大學 博士後研究員(2009-2011)
- 台大應用力學所 助理教授 (2011~2016) 副教授(2016-)
- 工程科學數值方法
- 流體動力學導論
- 應用數學
- 流體穩定學
- 環境流體力學
- 計算流體力學
- 固液二相懸浮
- 流體穩定性
- 機器學習應用於流體計算
103, 104, 105, 106, 108(全英文)年教學優良教師
Y.-J. Chang, R.-L. Chern, and Y.-J. Chou, Transient instability in long, tilted water columns with fast-settling, particle-laden layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in press.
T.-Y. Chiu, Y.-Y. Niu, and Y.-J. Chou (2021). Accurate hybrid AUSMD type flux algorithm with generalized discontinuity sharpening reconstruction for two-fluid modeling. Journal of Computational Physics, 443, 110540.
H. Yuan, J. Tian, Y. Chao, Y.-S. Chien, R.-H. Luo, J.-Y. Guo, S. Li, Y.-J. Chou, H. C. Shum, Y.-J. Chou, and C.-F. Chen (2021). Hand-Powered Microfluidics for Parallel Droplet Digital Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assays. ACS sensors. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.1c00184.
C.-J. Cheng and Y.-J. Chou (2021). Numerical study of instabilities of particle-laden fronts in continuously stratified environments. Physics of Fluids, 33(6), 064107.
Y.-Y. Niu, C.-H. Wu, Y.-H. Huang, Y.-J. Chou, and S.-C. Kong (2020). Evaluation of breakup models for liquid side jets in supersonic cross flows. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 79(5), 353-369.
L.-W. Hsu, Y.-H. Lin, J.-Y. Guo, C.-F. Chen, Y.-J. Chou, and Y.-C. Yeh (2020). Simultaneous Determination of L-phenylalanine, Phenylethylamine, and Phenylacetic Acid Using Three-Color Whole-Cell Biosensors within a Microchannel Device, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3(8), 5120-5125.
C.-Y. Hung, Y.-Y. Niu, and Y.-J. Chou (2020). Numerical study of convective sedimentation in thermally stratified environments, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 893, A27.
Y.-J. Chou, C.-Y. Hung, and C.-F. Chen (2020). Formation of drops and rings in double-diffusive sedimentation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884, A35.
Y.-J. Chou, C.-J. Cheng, R.-L. Chern, and C.-Y. Hung (2019). Instabilities of particle-laden layers in the stably stratified environment, Physics of Fluids, 31, 124101.
Y.-C. Chang, T.-Y. Chiu, C.-Y. Hung, Y.-J. Chou*, 2019, Three-dimensional Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of particle settling in inclined water columns, Powder Technology, 348, 80-92.
Y.-J. Chou*, Y.-C. Shao, Y.-H. Shen, and C.-J. Cheng, 2019, Stabilized formulation for modeling the erosion/deposition flux of sediment in circulation/CFD models, Water, 11, 197.
T.-T. Tsai, T.-H. Huang, C.-A. Chen, N. Y. Ho, Y.-J. Chou, and C.-F. Chen, 2018, Development a stacking pad design for enhancing the sensitivity of lateral flow immunoassay, Scientific Reports, 8:17319.
Y. J. Chou*, K. S. Nelson, R. C. Holleman, O. B. Fringer, M. T. Stacey, J. R. Lacy, S. G. Monismith, J. R. Koseff, 2018, Three-dimensional modeling of fine sediment transport by waves and currents in a shallow estuary, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 123, doi 10.1029/2017JC013064.
C. Y. Tseng and Y. J. Chou*, 2018, Nonhydrostatic simulation of hyperpycnal river plumes on sloping continental shelves: flow strcutures and nonhydrostatic effect. Ocean Modelling, 124, 23-47.
Y. C. Shao, C. Y. Hung, and Y. J. Chou*, 2017, Numerical study of convective sedimentation through a sharp density interface, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 824, 513-549.
Y. J. Chou*, Y. C. Shao, 2016, Numerical study of particle-induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability: Effects of particle settling and entrainment, Physics of Fluids, 28, 043302, doi: 10.1063/1.4945652.
Y. J. Chou*, R. C. Holleman, O. B. Fringer, M. T. Stacey, S. G. Monismith, J. R. Koseff, 2015, Three-dimensional wave-coupled hydrodynamics modeling in South San Francisco Bay, Computers & Geosciences, 85, 10-21.
Y. J. Chou*, S. H. Gu, Y. C. Shao, 2015, An Euler-Lagrange model for simulating fine particle suspension in liquid flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 299, 955-973.
S. Hsu, Y. J. Chou, Z. Travnicek, C.-F. Lin, A.-B. Wang, R.-H. Yen, 2015, Numerical study of nozzle design for the hybrid synthetic jet actuator, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 232: 172-182.
Y. J. Chou*, F. C. Wu, W. R. Shih, 2014, Toward numerical modeling of fine particle suspension using a two-way coupled Euler-Euler model. Part 1: Theoretical formulation and implications, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 64, 35-43.
Y. J. Chou*, F. C. Wu, W. R. Shih, 2014, Toward numerical modeling of fine particle suspension using a two-way coupled Euler-Euler model. Part 2: Simulation of particle-induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 64, 44-54.
G. Ma, Y. J. Chou, F. Shi, 2014, A wave-resolving model for nearshore suspended sediment transport, Ocean Modelling, 77, 33-49.
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2010, Numerical simulation of sand ripple dynamics in turbulent flows, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Transactions, 17(4) (1 of 4 awarded papers among more than 50 participants)
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2010, A model for the simulation of coupled flow-bedform evolution in turbulent flows, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 115, C10041.
Y. J. Chou and O. B. Fringer, 2010, Consistent discretization for simulation of flows with generalized moving curvilinear coordinate, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 62(10), 802-826.