- 國立台灣大學 應用力學 博士 (1988.9~1991.11)
- 國立台灣大學 應用力學 碩士 (1986.9~1988.6)
- 國立台灣大學 造船工程 學士 (1981.10~1986.6)
- 國立台灣大學 應用力學研究所 教授 (2011.8~)
- 國立台灣大學 應用力學研究所 副教授 (2007.8~2011.7)
- 美國加州理工學院 機械工程系 訪問學者 (2007.7~2007.9)
- 國立台灣大學 應用力學研究所 助理教授 (2004.8~2007.7)
- 中央研究院 物理研究所 博士後研究 (2002.6~2004.7)
- 中山科學研究院 航空研究所 助理研究員 (1992.1~2002.5)
- 電磁學, 電磁學二
- 動力學, 量子力學一
- 應用數學二
- 歡迎對電磁, 光學, 材料之原理及應用有興趣的同學加入研究團隊, 請參考簡介
- 研究領域: 奈米光學, 光電物理
- 研究課題: 光子晶體, 電漿子結構, 電磁超常材料, 請參考網頁
- 研究方法: 理論解析, 計算模擬, 程式設計(選項), 實驗量測(合作)
- 研究方向: 以電動力學的觀念與方法為基礎,探討奈米光學 在人工材料上的特性及其應用
- 研究特點: 重要應用與功能背後的物理機制之探討
- 研究內容: 電磁波, 等效電路, 光電材料, 奈米結構
- 研究基礎: 普通物理(大一), 工程數學(大二), 電磁學(應力所提供), 電磁學二(應力所提供)
- 研究進階: 光電電磁學(光電所)
- 研究合作: 中央研究院(實驗), 中山科學研究院(實驗)
- 研究應用: 光電元件, 光電材料
- 學生研究室: 308室
- 奈米光學
- 拓撲光學
- 光子晶體
- 電漿子結構
- 電磁超材料
- 台灣大學奈米儲存研發中心九十五年度最佳論文貢獻獎
- 中央研究院九十五年度獎勵國內學人短期來院訪問研究
- 國科會九十六年度補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究
- 台灣大學九十七學年度教學優良教師
- 台灣大學102學年度教學優良教師
- 電漿超常材料之等效電性與磁性研究(國科會)
- 奈米電漿結構之超穎物質的光收穫與發送研究(國科會)
- 表面電漿之理論與計算(台灣大學)
- 色散金屬結構之表面電漿模態解析理論與計算方法(國科會)
- 薄層週期結構電磁散射特性之研究(台灣大學)
- 新型表面擇頻元件之分析(國科會)
- 白光發光二極體之分析與設計(工研院)
- 超高密度奈米資訊儲存技術(台大物理系,經濟部技術處)
- 血管新生相關疾病診斷與治療新技術(台大醫學院,經濟部技術處)
- T. M. Huang, T. Li, R. L. Chern, and W. W. Lin, “Electromagnetic Field Behavior of 3D Maxwell's Equations for Chiral Media”, Journal of Computational Physics 379, 118 (2019)
- Y. Z. Yu and R. L. Chern, “Photonic topological phases in dispersive metamaterials”, Scientific Reports 8, 17881 (2018)
- R. L. Chern and Y. Z. Yu,"Chiral surface waves on hyperbolic-gyromagnetic metamaterials", Optics Express 25, 11801 (2017)
- R. L. Chern, M. C. Tsai, and Y. Z. Yu, "Cylindrical plasmonic waveguides with cladding of hyperbolic metamaterials", Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 1995 (2017)
- P. H. Chang, C. Y. Kuo, and R. L. Chern, "Wave splitting and double-slit like interference by a pseudochiral metamaterial slab", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48, 295103 (2015)
- R. L. Chern, H. E. Hsieh, T. M. Huang, W. W. Lin, and W. Wang, "Singular Value Decompositions for Single-Curl Operators in Three-Dimensional Maxwell's Equations for Complex Media", SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 36, 203 (2015)
- R. L. Chern, D. Han, Z. Q. Zhang, and C. T. Chan, "Additional waves in the graphene layered medium", Optics Express 22, 31677 (2014)
- P. H. Chang, C. Y. Kuo, and R. L. Chern, "Wave propagation in bianisotropic metamaterials: angular selective transmission", Optics Express 22, 25710 (2014)
- R. L. Chern, "Effect of damping on Goos-Hanchen shift from weakly absorbing anisotropic metamaterials", Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31, 1174 (2014)
- R. L. Chern and D. Han, "Nonlocal optical properties in periodic lattice of graphene layers", Optics Express 22, 4817 (2014)
- R. L. Chern, "Spatial dispersion and nonlocal effective permittivity for periodic layered metamaterials", Optics Express 21, 16514 (2013)
- R. L. Chern, "Wave propagation in chiral media: composite Fresnel equations", Journal of Optics 15, 075702 (2013)
- R. L. Chern* and P. H. Chang, "Negative refraction and backward wave in chiral mediums: Illustrations of Gaussian beams", Journal of Applied Physics 113, 153504 (2013)
- R. L. Chern, "Anomalous dispersion in pseudochiral media: negative refraction and backward wave", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 125307 (2013)
- R. L. Chern and P. H. Chang, "Wave propagation in pseudochiral media: generalized Fresnel equations", Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 552 (2013)
- R. L. Chern* and P. H. Chang, "Negative refraction and backward wave in pseudochiral mediums: illustrations of Gaussian beams", Optics Express 21, 2657 (2013)
- R. L. Chern* and W. T. Hong, “Nearly perfect absorption in intrinsically low-loss grating structures”, Optics Express 19, 8962-8972 (2011)
- C. H. Lin, R. L. Chern*, H. Y. Lin, “Polarization-independent broad-band nearly perfect absorbers in the visible regime”, Optics Express 19, 415-424 (2011)
- C. Y. Kuo*, R. L. Chern, and C. C. Chang, “Multipole expansion of electromagnetic scattering wave by a small cylindrical pore on a perfect conducting semi-infinite half space”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 26, 179-212 (2010)
- R. L. Chern*, Y. T. Chen, and H. Y. Lin, "Anomalous optical absorption in metallic gratings with subwavelength slits", Optics Express 18, 19510-19521 (2010)
- R. L. Chern* and W. T. Hong, "Transmission resonances and antiresonances in metallic arrays of compound subwavelength holes", Journal of Optics 12, 065101 (2010)
- Y. T. Chen, R. L. Chern*, and H. Y. Lin, "Multiple Fano resonances in metallic arrays of asymmetric dual stripes", Applied Optics 49, 2819-2826 (2010)
- R. L. Chern*, C. Y. Kuo, H. W. Chen, and C. C. Chang, "Electromagnetic scattering by a subwavelength circular hole in a perfect metal plate of finite thickness: matched asymptotic expansion", Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, 1031-1043 (2010)
- R. L. Chern* and X. X. Liu, "Effective parameters and quasistatic resonances for periodic arrays of dielectric spheres", Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, 488-497 (2010)
- R. L. Chern* and D. Felbacq, "Resonant cavity-like modes in dielectric photonic crystals made of collections of subwavelength cylinders", Physical Review B 80, 205115 (2009)
- R. L. Chern* and Y. T. Chen, "Effective parameters for photonic crystals with large dielectric contrast", Physical Review B 80, 075118 (2009)
- R. L. Chern* and Y. C. Lan, "Collective modes in metallic photonic crystals with subwavelength grooves", Physical Review B 80, 033107 (2009)
- X. X. Liu, C. F. Tsai, R. L. Chern*, and D. P. Tsai, "Dispersion mechanism of surface magnetoplasmons in periodic layered structures", Applied Optics 48, 3102-3108 (2009)
- R. L. Chern* and D. Felbacq, "Artificial magnetism and anticrossing interaction in photonic crystals and split-ring structures", Physical Review B 79, 075118 (2009)
- R. L. Chern*, "Interface matching method for solving surface plasmon modes with damping in plasmonic crystals", Physical Review E 79, 017701 (2009)
- C. Y. Kuo*, R. L. Chern, and C. C. Chang, "Sound scattering by a compact circular pore", Journal of Sound and Vibration 319, 622-645 (2009)
- R. L. Chern*, "Large magnetic resonance band gaps for split ring structures with high internal fractions", Optics Express 16, 20186-20192 (2008)
- R. L. Chern* and S. D. Chao, "Optimal higher-lying band gaps for photonic crystals with large dielectric contrast", Optics Express 16, 16600-16608 (2008)
- R. L. Chern*, "Magnetic and surface plasmon resonances for periodic lattices of plasmonic split-ring resonators", Physical Review B 78, 085116 (2008)
- R. L. Chern*, "Surface plasmon modes for periodic lattices of plasmonic hole waveguides", Physical Review B 77, 045409 (2008)
- R. L. Chern*, X. X. Liu, and C. C. Chang, "Particle plasmons of metal nanospheres: Application of multiple scattering approach", Physical Review E 76, 016609 (2007)
- Y. H. Liu*, C. C. Chang, R. L. Chern, and C. C. Chang, "Phononic band gaps of elastic periodic structures: a homogenization theory study", Physical Review B 75, 054104 (2007)
- Y. C. Lan* and R. L. Chern, "Surface plasmon-like modes on structured perfectly conducting surfaces", Optics Express 14, 11339-11347 (2006)
- R. L. Chern*, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Surface and bulk modes for periodic structures of negative index materials", Physical Review B 74, 155101 (2006)
- R. L. Chern*, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Interfacial operator approach to computing band structures for photonic crystals of polar materials", Physical Review B 73, 235123 (2006)
- R. L. Chern*, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Analysis of surface plasmon modes and band structures for plasmonic crystals in one and two dimensions", Physical Review E 73, 036605 (2006)
- C. C. Chang*, R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "Interfacial operator approach to computing modes of surface plasmon polariton for periodic structures", Physical Review B 72, 205112 (2005)
- H. K. Fu*, Y. F. Chen, R. L. Chern, and C. C. Chang, "Connected hexagonal photonic crystals with largest full band gap", Optics Express 13, 7854-7860 (2005)
- C. C. Chang*, R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chu, J. Y. Chi, J. C. Su, I M. Chan, and J. F. T. Wang, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Optical Properties of Phosphor-Screened Ultraviolet Light in a White Light-Emitting Device", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44, 6056-6061 (2005)
- C. C. Chang*, J. Y. Chi, R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, C. H. Lin, and C. O. Chang, "Effect of the inclusion of small metallic components in a two-dimensional dielectric photonic crystal with large full band gap", Physical Review B 70, 075108 (2004)
- R. L. Chern*, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "Two Classes of Photonic Crystals with Simultaneous Band Gaps", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43, 3484-3490 (2004)
- R. L. Chern*, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals with Large Band Gaps", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 73, 727-737 (2004)
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- C. C. Chang*, and R. L. Chern, "Separated flow about an elliptic airfoil in longitudinal oscillation: forces and vortex structures", Computational Fluid Dynamics 1, 275-303 (1993)
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- C. C. Chang*, B. H. Liou, and R. L. Chern, "An analytical and numerical study of axisymmetric flow around spheroids", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 234, 219-246 (1992)
- C. C. Chang* and R. L. Chern, "Vortex shedding from an impulsively started rotating and translating circular cylinder", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 233, 265-298 (1991)
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- R. L. Chern, "Double-slit like interference from a pseudochiralmetamaterial slab", The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (July 3-6, Japan, 2015)
- P.H. Chang and R.L. Chern, "Wave propagation through a pseudochiralmetamaterial slab", 2015 Annual Meeting of Taiwan PlasmonicsForum (June 15, Taipei, 2015)
- R. L. Chern, "Nonlocal effective medium model for periodic layered metamaterials", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2014 (August 25-28, Guangzhou, China, 2014)
- R. L. Chern, "Splitting of Gaussian Beams in Chiral Mediums", The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (July 3-6, Singapore, 2013)
- R. L. Chern, "Anomalous Dispersion and Wave Propagation in Pseudochiral Mediums", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2013 (June 30-July 5, Singapore, 2013)
- R. L. Chern, "Computation of Three-Dimensional Photonic Band Structures", 2013 Conference on Computational Mathematics and Annual Meeting of TWSIAM (June 1-2, Taichung, 2013)
- R. L. Chern, "Total Absorption in Plasmonic Nanostructures", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2011 (September 12-16, Suzhou, China, 2011)
- R. L. Chern, "Extraordinary Optical Absorption in Multilayered Nanostructures", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2011 (June 26-July 1, Singapore, 2011)
- C. H. Lin, R. L. Chern, H. Y. Lin, "Broad-band nearly perfect absorbers", 1st cross-strait workshop on nanophotonics (Jan. 10-11, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011)
- R. L. Chern, "Effective Medium Model for Dielectric Metamaterials", Nanoplasmonics and metamaterials: Experiment and Theory (Oct. 15-16, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010)
- R. L. Chern and Y. T. Chen, "Negative Effective Parameters for Periodic Arrays of Dielectric Circular Cylinders", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2010 (March 22-26, Xian, China, 2010)
- R. L. Chern, "Characterization of Surface Plasmon-Like Modes in Metallic Photonic Crystals", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2009 (June 28-July 3, Singapore, 2009)
- R. L. Chern, "Dielectric Photonic Crystals as Polaritonic Metamaterials", Nanophotonics and Metamaterials 2009 (April 28-May 2, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009)
- H. W. Chen, R. L. Chern*, C. Y. Kuo, and C. C. Chang, "Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by a Subwavelength Hole in a Perfect Metal Plate", 2008 Cross-Strait Workshop on Engineering Mechanics (September 27-28, Tainan, Taiwan, 2008)
- R. L. Chern, "LC and surface plasmon resonances for split ring structures", The OSA Topical Conference on Nanophotonics (May 26-29, Nanjing, China, 2008)
- R. L. Chern, "Introduction to Plasmonic Metamaterials", 超常介質材料(Metamaterials)在微波元件上之相關應用 (Dec. 16, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007)
- R. L. Chern, "Surface Plasmon Basics and Modes in Plasmonic Structures", International Workshop on Metamaterial Plasmonics (Oct. 10, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007)
- S. H. Yang, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chu, S. H. Liao, R. L. Chern, "Drag reduction of bluff bodies by surface control based on a force theory", 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference (July 30- August 2, San Diego, USA, 2007)
- R. L. Chern, C. Y. Kuo, and C. C. Chang, "A theoretical study of particle plasmons for single and multiple metallic nanospheres", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2007 (March 26-30, Beijing, China, 2007)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Surface Plasmon Modes for Photonic Crystals of Negative Index Materials", International Workshop on Plasmonics and Applications in Nanotechnologies (December 5-7, Singapore, 2006)
- R. L. Chern and C. C. Chang, "Research on Nanophotonics in Institute of Applied Mechanics", Nanophotonics Workshop" (October 31, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Surface Plasmon Modes for Nano Crystals", 2006 Cross-Strait Workshop on Engineering Mechanics (September 30-October 2, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Interfacial Operator for Computing Band Structures of Polaritonic Crystals", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2006 (August 2-5, Tokyo, Japan, 2006)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Analysis of Surface Plasmon Modes and Band Structures for Plasmonic Crystals", Workshop on Photonic Crystals and Nano-Photonics (November 4-5, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and C. C. Chang, "Interfacial Operator Approach to Computing Modes of Surface Plasmon Polariton for Periodic Structures", 3rd Symposium on Nanophotonics Science and Technology (September 13-18, Hualien, Taiwan, 2005)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chang, and Y. H. Liu, "Surface Plasmon Polaritons Computed by the Approach of an Interfacial Operator", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005 (August 22-26, HangZhou, China, 2005)
- T. C. Wang, M. J. Chao, R. L. Chern, and C. C. Chang, "頸動脈分叉之動態血流模擬", 第二十八屆中華民國力學學會年會暨全國力學會議 (December 12-14, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004)
- C. C. Chang, R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "Finite Difference Analysis for Photonic Band Structures in Three Dimensions by an Inverse Method with Multigrid Acceleration", 數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會 (October 30, Chungli, Taiwan, 2003)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "光子晶體頻帶結構之快速計算方法", 第十屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會 (August 2-5, Hualien, Taiwan, 2003)
- R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "A Finite Difference Multigrid Method for Computation of Photonic Band Structures", 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (July 7-11, Sydney, Australia, 2003)
- C. C. Chang, R. L. Chern, C. C. Chang, and R. R. Hwang, "Fast and accurate computation of photonic band structures in two and three dimensions", 全國計算數學研討會 (December 15, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2003)
- R. L. Chern, "A Study of the Influence of Model Resolution on the Computation of Radar Cross Section", 2002年「民航學會/航太學會/燃燒學會」學術聯合會議 (December 15-17, Kaoshung, Taiwan, 2002)
- R. L. Chern, "Performance of Propeller and Engine for Light Aircraft", CIROC CSCA AASRC Joint Conference, AA-177~181 (Taoyung, Taiwan, 2001)
- C. C. Chang and R. L. Chern, "Further development of a deterministic hybrid vortex method", SIAM 45th Anniversary Meeting (Stanford University, U.S.A., 1997)
- C. C. Chang and R. L. Chern, "Flow about an elliptic airfoil in harmonic translation", Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Tainan, Taiwan, 1991)
- C. C. Chang and R. L. Chern, "The patterns of vortex shedding from an impulsively started circular cylinder", Proceedings of the 15th National Conference of the Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Taipei, Taiwan, 1991)
法蘭西斯.培根: 讀書使人豐富, 討論使人成熟, 寫作使人精確