

一、109年3月23日起至 4 月 30 日,暫停100人以上之活動或集會,低於100 人之活動,除本校正常上課外之非必要活動應予取消;除上課與校隊訓練外,四月底前綜合體育館、體育館(舊館)及戶外游泳池暫停開放,會員權益以展延使用期限或退費方式處理。5 月後視疫情發展而定。

如依前項說明而必須舉辦低於100 人之活動者,入口處應備妥乾洗手液,所有參加者入場前應量測體溫,並禁止有發燒或呼吸道症狀者入場。活動進行時,現場應保持通風,人與人之間應全程保持1公尺以上距離並應固定個人活動範圍,同時強烈建議所有參加者應全程配戴口罩。





安全校園你我健康 需要大家共同維護


Due to the rapid global spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), NTU will introduce the following measures and regulations:

1. Starting from March 23 till April 30, gatherings of 100 or more people will be suspended; non-essential activities of less than 100 should be cancelled except for scheduled classes. Sports facilities on campus, including the Sports Center, Gymnasium, and outdoor Swimming Pool, are closed until the end of April, but are still available to PE classes and varsity team practice. In response to the temporary closure, sports memberships will be extended or refunded. NTU will monitor the coronavirus outbreak and make new announcements for May onwards.

If gatherings of less than 100 are deemed essential and to be held on campus, the organizer should prepare hand sanitizers at the entrance, check the temperature of all participants prior to entry, and prohibit admission of individuals with fever or respiratory symptoms. During the gathering, the venue should maintain proper ventilation, while all attendees must keep a distance of at least 1 meter from one another and are strongly advised to wear a mask throughout the event. Each person should remain in a specific area to reduce interpersonal contact.

2. Starting from March 18, all classroom buildings on campus will introduce an electronic access control and tracking system that integrates access control and temperature checks. This measure will be practiced in all buildings on campus starting from March 23. The University Administration will provide corresponding assistances, including software installment at each building (Computer and Information Networking Center, C&INC), hardware preparation at each building (Office of General Affairs), and keycard barcodes for staff and temporary workers employed independently by departments, offices, or units on campus (Personnel Department and C&ING).

3. NTU faculty and staff planning to travel abroad during the period from March 16 through April 30 are subject to the following restrictions and regulations. New measures for May onwards will be introduced depending on outbreak severity.
(1)All University-related international travels are suspended. Travels having been approved but not yet taken place will have to be reviewed for approval again.
(2)Currently, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has raised travel notice for all regions abroad to Level 1: Watch or above. NTU faculty and staff are therefore strongly discouraged to visit any foreign countries or areas so as to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in Taiwan.

4. NTU faculty, staff, and students returning from abroad should honestly declare their travel history upon arrival and notify the University voluntarily. Besides law-required quarantine, all returning NTU members are indiscriminately subject to a 14-day self-health management at home and should not come to the campus during self-isolation. Leaves from duty or class will be processed according to related regulations.

5. A sign reading “During the coronavirus outbreak, no entry is allowed for general visitors except for official University affairs. Prior appointment required.” should be placed at every main entrance of the campus.

We need everyone’s effort and commitment to maintain a safe and healthy campus.

NTU Coronavirus Task Force

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