

3、沒有收到簡訊,但曾經與敦睦艦隊成員於同時間地點(請參考以下連結: https://bit.ly/2xyUgs3 )一起出現,且14天內有出現相關症狀者(發燒、呼吸道症狀、嗅味覺異常、腹瀉等),請通報單位防疫聯絡人及盡速就醫,告知醫師去過敦睦艦隊成員足跡相關地點。而後依醫師指示是否接受採檢及後續是否居家檢疫或自主健康管理,並自接觸日起14天期間,不得到校上課上班。


1、 暫停100人以上之活動或集會;
2、 暫停教職員工出國;
3、 暫停非必要實體會議;
4、 暫停開放綜合體育館、體育館(舊館)及戶外游泳池;
5、 持續因應疫情辦公人力規劃及備援措施;




秘書室 敬啟

As the Dunmu-related warning text message has been sent to a wider public than necessary, the following corrections are made to the anti-COVID-19 measures announced yesterday (April 21, 2020) regarding prohibited campus access for text message receivers:

1. If you have received the warning text message and experienced COVID-19-related symptoms (e.g., fever, respiratory symptoms, loss of smell and taste, and diarrhea) within 14 days after message reception, please inform the contact person in pandemic of your department/institute/office, seek medical attention immediately, and voluntarily report the receiving of the text message to the doctor. Afterwards, follow the doctor’s instructions for possible COVID-19 testing and home quarantine/self-health management, and do not come to the campus for work or class within 14 days after the last contact date.
2. If you have received the warning text message but were not exposed to contact risk (i.e., did not stay in the places listed for contact risk), you may still come to the campus, but make sure to wear a medical mask throughout the visit and wash hands frequently.
3. If you have not received the text message but have been to the places at the same time when the Dunmu confirmed cases visited them (check locations and times of visit at https://bit.ly/2xyUgs3), and have experienced COVID-19-related symptoms (e.g., fever, respiratory symptoms, loss of smell and taste, and diarrhea) within 14 days after visit, please inform your contact person in pandemic, seek medical attention immediately, and voluntarily report your visit to the locations listed above to the doctor. Afterwards, follow the doctor’s instructions for possible COVID-19 testing and home quarantine/self-health management, and do not come to the campus for work or class within 14 days after the last contact date.

The following anti-COVID-19 measures will be extended to May 31:
1. Suspension of gatherings or assemblies of 100 people or more; 2. Suspension of international travel among students and colleagues; 3. Suspension of nonessential physical meetings; 4. Temporary closures of the Sports Center, Gymnasium, and outdoor Swimming Pool; 5. Office HR Planning and Backup Measures during the COVID-19 outbreak.

In addition, starting April 27, all courses enrolled by 60 students or more should move to distance learning.

Regarding NTU’s guidelines over building access control and temperature checks, visitors are, in principle, only required to both swipe their ID cards and have their temperatures taken at first entrance, after which only card swiping is compulsory for (re-)entrance. Whether or not temperatures should be taken again for (re-)entrance, will be determined by individual buildings.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We will make timely changes to our response measures according to COVID-19 development to ensure campus safety and protect the health of all NTU members.

Sincerely yours,
NTU Secretariat

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